Highlight sale menu

Pipeline includes a feature to highlight a menu item in your header navigation

Highlighting a Sale menu item in your Shopify store can offer several advantages that can enhance the shopping experience for your customers and potentially boost sales.

With Pipeline, you can choose a color from the Theme Settings to highlight specific menu items like the Sale menu item:

How to setup

Use the Sale text color option in the Theme settings -> Color to configure the color to use:

Tip: the Sale menu item can be anywhere in your navigation:

Different menu item names

To change the trigger word from "Sale" to another name, you can choose "Edit default theme content" by selecting the three dots at the top:

Then modify the value for Highlight links to a different menu item name:

Tip: When searching for this value, type-in highlight all in lowercase letters to quickly find the right field. Using a capital letter may result with no values.

Multiple links can be added, separate with a comma:

Last updated